We are slowly returning to studio based classes.
Classes will currently be based at the Tabernacle Dance Studio.
All face to face classes will adhere to strict COVID guidelines.

Tip Top Dance School offers classes in:
• Ballet
• Jazz
• Creative Movement
• Contemporary
• Street Dance
Pre - Primary - At this level students are introduced to different ways of moving, with partners or as part of a group. Ryhtms are introduced to fun music. We make use of props, imagery and story telling to make the lessons fun and exciting! Uniform should be a baby blue leotard and skirt, tights or socks, and ballet shoes.
Primary - In this grade, students strenghten their bodies and are given more independence during the class to process the knowledge learnt up to this level. More complex rhythms are also taught. Uniform should be a baby blue leotard and skirt, tights or socks, and ballet shoes.
Grade 1 - Classes start taking a more vocational approach. Students are introduced to French terminology. Their knowledge of steps is expanded. Uniform should be a pink leotard and skirt, tights or socks, and ballet shoes.
Grade 2 - Classes now take a more professional turn. The barre is introduced at this level. All ballet classes from now on will start at the barre, then continue on to centre practice, and allegro. Uniform should be a pink leotard, tights or socks, and ballet shoes.
Jazz dance is a fun and energetic style. Jazz dancing is a form of dance that showcases a dancer's individual style and originality. Jazz consisting of unique moves and rhythms, fancy footwork, big leaps and quick turns. In our classes we also work on flexibility and strength. For jazz class students should wear tight fitting tops and leggings. Students can go barefooted however, if anyone wants to purchase jazz shoes, seek advice from teacher.
Street Dance is an umbrella term that encompasses all of the Urban Styles of Dance that were originally created outside the dance studio in the early 70's such as Locking, Breaking, Hip Hop, House, Krump, Wacking, Vogue, Tutting and Waving. These classes are fun, energetic and a good workout! Students will be taught the foundations of a particular technique, whilst still keeping that friendly social attitude that brought these dances to life.
The contemporary style places a heavy emphasis on the connection between mind and body, with dancers being encouraged to explore their emotions through dances that push against traditional boundaries. This style of dance often involves a great deal of playing with balance, floorwork, fall and recovery, and improvisation..
Creative Movement classes are aimed at Toddlers and Pre - Schoolers. These classes use imaginitave stories, age appropriate music and props. They focus on positive social interaction with peers, body awareness, balance, and coordination.